
The Take Five Scholars Program provides free tuition for an extra year or semester of study designed to enrich a student's curriculum. Take Five affords students the opportunity to indulge in studying a topic of interest; to learn for the sake of learning, without the concern that it will make him or her a better job or graduate school applicant. 学生 complete an application that includes a proposal for a sustained and coherent interdisciplinary program of study.

The Take Five Scholars are among the most interesting students on campus—they have diverse and varied interests and are intellectually curious. Take Five Scholars are multi-dimensional people who generally go on to great things after college. 有关更多信息,请参见 以Five主页为例.



它们可以用来充实学术. Take Five课程不能以任何方式满足毕业, 主要, 次要或集群需求. 此外, Take Five不是获得额外证书的机会, 比如满足医学预科的要求, 或者完成证书课程, 或者其他专业的要求. 学生 must demonstrate on their application that they could complete all graduation requirements without Take Five.


任何在大学完成至少一个学期的学生, 你在大学至少还有一个完整的学期吗, 并已被正式录取的专业可申请. 另外, all full-time students in 学院 or the Eastman School of Music are eligible to apply in any year except during the second semester of their senior year(i.e. 他们的最后一个学期).

申请时间表为何? 我如何申请??

申请人选拔每年进行两次. Information about the program and application process is available through Blackboard. 学生 must carefully review each section of the "TAKE FIVE PROGRAM" module located on the Blackboard home page. 

There are TWO REQUIRED DEADLINES each semester: The Program Recommender E邮件确认 is due approximately one month prior to the deadline for the Take 5 Application and recommendation letters. 日期可能会根据历年(i.e. when November 1 falls on a weekend), but generally, the application deadlines are as follows:


(1)项目推荐人E邮件确认 十月的第一个星期到期

(2) 11月1日提交的提案和推荐信.


(1)项目推荐人E邮件确认 2月中旬到期

(2) T5 Proposal and recommendation letters due the Thursday after Spring Break.


最重要的是论文和相应的课程, 其中相当一部分必须超过入门水平. 申请人还被要求提供一份简历, two letters of recommendation and a listing of the courses they have used or will use to complete cluster requirements.

除了, applicants need to complete the following three course listings:

  1. The remaining courses they need to take to complete their regular four-year program, 以及学习这些课程的学期.
  2. 这四到八门课程将组成他们的Take Five项目.
  3. The courses they will take including the Take Five courses, if admitted (i.e. 1 and 2) and the corresponding semesters during which they will be taken.

Since the integration of Take Five courses into the regular curriculum is expected, 在可能的情况下, admitted students may need to replace graduation or 主要 requirements with some of their Take Five courses, 将这些要求推进到免学费的第五年. 然而, students must still complete at least 128 credits prior to the beginning of their 免学费 year.


A successful application is one that presents a focused statement of purpose and a corresponding cohesive schedule of courses. Pursuit of the proposal should reflect a potential for intellectual growth. 除了, students must demonstrate an inability to undertake such studies during their first four years due to the constraints of their undergraduate curricula. 没有G.P.A. requirement, although the quality of the academic record is considered carefully. There must also be evidence that the applicant conferred with appropriate faculty about their proposal.


The following kinds are likely to be rejected: those that portray an interest in a variety of non-related subjects simply because the opportunity to investigate them has not been available (i.e. to remediate gaps); those that convey an interest in extending present studies in the 主要 when graduate school would be a better alternative; those that reflect a desire to complete certificates, 医学预科的要求, or are careerist in nature; those that are vague and poorly written.


五人审查委员会决定哪些提案被接受. 董事会由“Take Five”奖学金获得者在其第五年组成, 大学院长, 这四个领域各有一名教员:人文学科, 社会科学, 自然科学, 和工程. Ex-officio members include the Take Five Scholars Program Administrator and Administrators from the School of 工程 and 应用科学 and the Eastman School of Music.

我可以通过“Take 5”项目出国留学吗?

是的. The Take Five Scholars program allows students to spend an additional semester or year at UR, 免学费, pursuing a series of courses around a particular theme for the purpose of intellectual enrichment. 如果Take Five项目的重点适合海外学习, then you may propose to include a semester or even a full year abroad. Early planning is essential, since study abroad should be completed prior to your fifth year. 在你制定"五分钟休息"计划的时候, attend a Take Five information session and consult with the Take Five program adviser in the 大学咨询服务中心.


  • Fifth year grades count in the GPA, for Latin Honors, for Distinction, and for Dean's List.
  • 毕业证书在第五年结束时颁发.
  • 只包括学费. 其他费用由学生自理.
  • 五年级学生不符合校内住宿条件.
  • 学生可以在一个或两个毕业典礼上行走.
  • 学生正式成为毕业班级的一员. 如果他们更愿意被视为原班级的校友, 他们可以直接向校友办公室说明.
  • It is unlikely that a Take Five Scholarship would be awarded to a student who had chosen to accelerate the completion of his or her degree.